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A large Chinese delegation headed by Vice Minister HU Siyi, PR China Ministry of Water Resources visited Switzerland on May 26-30 for the 6th Sino-Swiss High-Level Dialogue on Water Management in Crans-Montana. 


Chinese Vice Minister Hu Siyi


Organized by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Federal Office for the Environment, the workshop allowed the two countries to review the successful  bilateral cooperation and steer future cooperation projects. The Swiss Delegation was led by Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard who heads the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications. Both delegations were hosted in Valais by State Councillor Jacques Melly, Head of the DTEE (Tranpsort, Infrastructure and Environment), the event perfectly organized by DTEE Secretary General Laurent Bagnoud. They visited the Grand Dixence Dam and enjoyed the valaisan hospitality including an excursion to the Gornergrat in Zermatt.

Swiss Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard


Sino-Swiss Workshop in the water sector in Switzerland in Crans-Montana

Doris Leuthard and Jacques Melly
Vice Minister Hu Siyi

Cap Santé Foundation President Pascal Gross and Director Hervé Fournier attended the workshop on 27th May to share their expertise related to the number one resource of the State Valais WATER.
The Cap Santé Foundation has been active for more than ten years, contributing to information and public education on the themes of water and health. Founding members include the municipalities of Port-Valais, St-Gingolph, Vouvry, the Region and the State of Valais. The foundation proposes several exhibitions: Water in Valais (French and German) - Water and health in the world - Water in the body and food -Program Zanzymus ' balances and imbalances in food ' (an interactive show with games). Other projects inlcude 'Res'eau', aimed to bring together interested partners to centralize competencies related to the field of water and to create a pool of new skills through synergies as well as the development of a 'water web portal' for information and involvment of private and public partners in regards to issues related to water.







